Month: October 2022

Why you Should Get a Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy Treatment

A posterior cervical foraminotomy, also known as a PCF, is a type of back surgery that relieves pressure on the spinal cord by cutting holes in the bone at each side of the vertebra located on the cervical spine. The purpose of this procedure is to relieve pain caused by pressure on any part of the spinal cord or nerve roots in this area.

Where can you get a posterior cervical foraminotomy treatment?

The main goals of the surgery are to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots, as well as pain in the neck. Receiving a PCF procedure has many other benefits, such as turning your head fully and freely without any constraints. The fact that it can be done minimally-invasively makes it appealing to many people.

Most patients who get a PCF procedure are those who experience chronic, severe neck pain and other symptoms from spinal stenosis. They might also have serious problems such as muscle spasms, numbness or weakness in the arms, hands or legs. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you may want to consider having a PCF treatment.

Why should you get a posterior cervical foraminotomy treatment for your spine?

1. It is an effective treatment that can be performed by a surgeon and that does not require general anesthesia.

2. The recovery time for this surgery is much shorter than for other back surgeries such as laminectomy, anterior cervical fusion and fusion of the intervertebral discs. For example, if you have a lumbar spinal fusion operation, it can take 6 weeks to recover from the surgery and return to work. For a lumbar posterior foraminotomy, it takes about one week for you to recover from the surgery and to go back to work. The recovery time for cervical posterior foraminotomy is also shorter than for lumbar and anterior fusions.

3. A PCF surgery does not cause any disc damage, so you will not lose any of the normal range of motion in your neck and spine.

4. The cost of this procedure is low when compared to other spinal surgeries, and there’s a lower risk that you will require additional medical care or treatments after the surgery because it uses relatively less invasive techniques relative to other back surgeries.

5. Due to its flexibility and versatility, it can be performed in many different locations (within the cervical section, such … Read the rest