Hire The Best Pool Leak Repair Company For You

For your pool to be nice and functional, you need to maintain it properly. The quality of the pool does not depend on the size or depth, but on how the pool is equipped and how you maintain it. For the pool to be bacteriologically and visually clean, it is necessary to maintain it regularly.

Swimming pool maintenance includes:

  • Washing and polishing the pool;
  • Swimming pool service;
  • Water treatment;
  • Expert advice.

Tigershark Leak Detection is a pool service in Los Angeles. For many years, their team has been very successful in building, equipping, and maintaining both private and public swimming pools. This pool service company offers you swimming pool maintenance throughout the year, wherever it is located.

Pool service will help you maintain your pool properly as they can determine if the pool is leaking. Pool leaks occur at:

  • The building elements themselves (walls, the floor of the pool);
  • On damaged waterproofing;
  • On the water filtration equipment itself.

Damaged waterproofing is the most common cause of pool leaks. This is a very common problem with swimming pools that were built many years ago using old techniques and materials. This problem can be easily solved and re-enable the use of the pool without interruption.

Certain technical solutions can “revive” a dysfunctional pool and give users unhindered enjoyment. The leakage of the pool is solved by removing the old filtration system and re-lining the pool to prevent re-leakage. The floors and walls of the pool must be concreted at once. Waterproof concrete is used for insulation. Each leakage intervention prom the pool is preceded by the removal of incoherent sections of concrete. Dust is removed by flushing with pressurized water to keep the substrate compact and resistant. In other words, it intervenes on a clean concrete base. Universal waterproofing material is used to repair the leakage of the pool, as it is extremely elastic and fits concrete surfaces.

The efficient waterproofing of the pool is achieved by applying a solid waterproof cement mortar to the walls and the bottom of the pool. This mortar also acts as a waterproof and leveling layer. This gives us a smooth, stable, and waterproof substrate that we need to apply the epoxy coating. The cement mortar becomes waterproof by adding a waterproof additive.

It is very important to find out on time whether the pool is leaking because repair will cost you less if the damage is minor.

Lane Mccarty